Game - Game of Life
A quick implementation of Conway’s ‘Game of Life’ in Blazor, allowing you to setup a seed before starting the simulation. Play in your browser View...
Hi welcome to my website! You'll find a mixture of content here, ranging from personal projects I've worked on to technical posts covering Azure, security topics and more.
Video games Tech Props Electronics
A quick implementation of Conway’s ‘Game of Life’ in Blazor, allowing you to setup a seed before starting the simulation. Play in your browser View...
I’ve spent a fair bit of time recently migrating some system’s CI/CD over to Azure DevOps, so here are some cool features I’ve found along the way. GitHub i...
I love Warhammer and I enjoy making things so I’ve been keen for a while to create something Warhammer-themed using foam. In this case I’ve created a Bracer ...
One of the many cool things I have implemented at work is modernizing how our staff login with their work account. In doing so I learnt a lot about OAuth and...
I love Warhammer and I enjoy making things so I’ve been keen for a while to create something Warhammer-themed using foam. In this case I’ve created a Pauldro...
You play as a Cat with a Spear to fight off the endless alien hordes of course! A learnt a lot from a similar game I made Project Sicarius and wanted a game ...
Light Box is an electronics project that allows people to interact with a LED strip with some dials and a button to toggle programs, where they can change th...
After getting a foam prop of Thor’s hammer I was keen to get more foam weapons. Though there are a few around I thought it would be more fun to make my own. ...